Dana came over, then Keith and Dan, then Jess and Josh. So there were 8 of us. The more, the merrier! Somehow
"PIE" came up in conversation. We all decided to start "PIE + COFFEE NIGHT" AKA "OPERATION: AGENT COOPER" which might also fall on Tuesday nights. I think how it's going to go is every week someone showcases their own homemade pie (rather than a bunch of people make a different pie on the same night). There's talk of pumpkin, strawberry, apple, sweet potato, and a mixed berry pie. So if you want to get in on this then let me know.
The weather is weird. It keeps raining really hard then the sun

walking in the rain ends up me walking around with wet feet. It's so weird how when you're poor all of the sudden all my clothes start falling apart. I feel like a peasant. I look like a bum. Next thing you know you'll see me
walking around in a cloud of dust. Like Linus. Is it Linus? Wait. Pig Pen. Yes, you can start calling
me "Pig Pen" from now on. There's a picture of me and all my friends.

Pig pen is the coolest one, at least.