A week ago I posted this really long, detailed *blog* describing to you my dinner - which was a marinated top round beeeeeef with taters and this amazing brown gravy I made from the marinade, however, it got lost in the struggle. I've also seemed to have lost my recipe notebook, so until I can find it you'll just have to imagine it, in your dreams.
This morning I woke up in a funk due to bad dreams and just being really stressed out in general about life. I woke up late, like probably close to noon. Who knows. Anyway, I don't buy bread of any sort anymore, I make it. I felt like having biscuits and poached eggs. Ever since my totally successful Eggs Benny I've secretly been obsessed with poached eggs. Like, I mean, I think about poaching eggs all the time. It's ok, though, it keeps my mind off of how much life can eat a bag right now.
So I've never made biscuits before, so I was a bit nervous. They turned out fine, but they had sort of a bitter, salty flavor. I'm not totally sure why, I think it may have been because of how much baking powder I put in. Or the fact that I'm not totally sure if my baking powder is baking soda or not. I'm pretty sure it's powder, but not sure, I bought it in bulk and I didn't label it after I put it in a jar. Anywho! Here's the recipe!
Verni & Zach's Fat Kid Jalapeno Cheddar Biscuits of LOOOOVE:
2 c flour, preferably unbleached
4 tsp baking powder***
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp shortening (I just used butter, not into crisco or anything like it)
3 tbsp grated cheedddarrr, or more, you decide
about 1 c milk
1-2 chopped up and grilled jalapenos (NEXT time I make this I will chop the jalapenos ever so finely, I think that will make it better)
*** - I think that maybe this is why it had the kinda weird bitter flavor, but not sure
1. Preheat oven to 450
2. Start by mixing dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, salt) in a big bowl. Mix in cheddar and jalapenos, then rub in butter (or shortening of your choice) with your fingers. Gradually add milk while stirring with a knife (like a butter knife). It should start to turn into a soft dough.
3. Lightly flour a surface - I used a wooden cutting board. Put your dough on the surface and flatten it. I just used my hands, but I'm sure a rolling pin works just as well or better. Flatten it to about 1/2 " thick. Cut out dough using a biscuit cutter. I didn't have a biscuit cutter, so I just used a big cup.
4. Place a greased baking sheet, bake 10 - 15 min at 450.
I ended up making 6 regular biscuits and then a big, deformed, weird one. You can probably make about 8 or so with this recipe, depending on how big your cutter is.
So then after that I broke up some sausage and threw it on a skillet to cook it. After that was done cooking I made a white gravy in the cast iron. I don't have the exact measurements for that. All you do is put some milk in your pan and then stir in flour with a fork or a whisk to your desired thickness, adding more milk to thin it out. Then, while constantly stirring, I added crushed pepper and a little salt (you don't need too much salt because the sausage is salty).
Zach had the gravy going while I started to poach the eggs. It was really good.
Let's make breakfast together. In bed.
I am siiiicccckkk of school.
J. Barr