Friday, July 10, 2009

Telling You Tales of Nothing

Hello.  I'm taking a little break from cleaning my apartment to update my ... whatever this is called.  Oh yeah, a blog.  I'm a blogger these days.

Tonight for dinner I'm going to make Eggplant Parmigiana.  I've never made it before.  I'm kind of excited and nervous.  I'm a pretty good cook these days but I still get nervous about making food for other people.  Sometimes I think Zach is overly judgmental when it comes to food.  Who cares though!?  I sound married.  Woof.

My apartment is starting to look more like an apartment than a graveyard.  Zach hooked up the record player finally, so I've been listening to Mt. Eerie and this Loch Lomond/Builders and Butchers split.  Also, I've been listening to a lot of Spider Friends lately.

So tonight John Riley is spending the night.  We're gonna have a really sweet slumber party.  Maybe he'll put some speakers up.  That'll be cool.  We're gonna have surround sound throughout the whole place with faders and all that stuff.

Ok, bye.
